Category: Design Thinking

Branding Design Thinking

How We Found Inspiration in Collaboration

Inspiration can be found anywhere, but when we teamed up with CR Architecture + Design to brand the revival of a historic hotel, we found it in collaboration.   I try to let anything and everything inspire me. I also tend to romanticize everything. For example, instead of flying to Rhode Island last year, I took a train. My romantic side said it would be a way to see America – both its beautiful terrain and its people. In reality, it was a fairly uncomfortable 24 hours of being on a train. Nevertheless, the people and places I saw inspired me. I find inspiration in...
Posted by Matt Boylson
Design Thinking

Beyond the Facts: How Stories Unite

Intrinzic’s Rob Pasquinucci recently sat down with Craig Atkinson, Vice President of Communications and Strategic Services at The Walsh Group and Safety Week Committee Chair, to discuss how storytelling techniques have the power to motivate audiences across an entire industry. Rob: We just wrapped up another successful Safety Week campaign. One of the elements that has been a key part of the campaign over the last few years is a push to go beyond merely telling workers to “do safe things,” but to develop narratives that rally workers to consistently WANT to make safe choices. Why did the committee choose to do this? Craig: We...
Posted by Rob Pasquinucci
Branding Design Thinking

The Time for Change? Always.

Is your brand’s story ready for a new season? Spring fever. I’m feeling it. Aren’t you? That tingle of excitement, anticipation and wanderlust started rising in late March and is in full force now that the solstice is getting near. It can’t be helped—we’re biologically incapable of resisting the warmth of rising temperatures and the energy that comes with longer, light-filled days. The lush greenness of the natural world has made itself known, and the earth has recreated herself one more time, a new and incredible variation on a beloved theme. This desire for change usually has me re-evaluating everything from the trivial to the...
Posted by Abby Otting
Branding Design Thinking Uncategorized

Look What We Can Do When We Do It Together:

Human connection. It’s the moment where magic happens. Our desire for it leads us to new people and ideas, and brings us back to the ones we love. It expands our minds and our perspectives, inspires us to bridge the unknown, and reveals the hearts of others. Connection drives collaboration. But this powerful force doesn’t just happen. It must be practiced, promoted, and celebrated. This holiday season, Intrinzic is celebrating the connections we’ve made this year, collaborating with brands of all types and sizes. From non-profits and start-ups, to universities and global corporations, we’ve met advocates, educators and entrepreneurs who have inspired us to create...
Posted by Dave Townsend
Branding Design Design Thinking Uncategorized


Getting my driver’s license was one of the more terrifying days of my life—and let’s be honest, my parents’ lives, as well. Not because I finally had the freedom to hit the open road at the ripe old age of 16, but because I knew that it was the beginning of the end of being eternally “lost.” I have always been what my family calls "directionally challenged," even with my keen visual sense of the world around me. Getting in the car with me behind the wheel is nothing short of an adventure—for the passenger, obviously. People can’t just tell me to “head north” or...
Posted by Sarah Fry
Design Thinking

Why risk it?

Leader, explorer, risk taker. Whenever I take a personality test, these are the attributes that usually pop up for me. It’s that last one that I identify with the most. There’s nothing more thrilling to me than the possibility of succeeding at something I’ve never done before. Some might think that’s crazy, but I say it’s hopeful. And as a designer, I’ve learned that taking creative risks during the design process is what leads to innovative ideas that uniquely solve my clients’ needs. In fact, it would be more crazy of me to avoid risk, because without being comfortable wading into the unknown, I wouldn’t be...
Posted by Intrinzic
Design Design Thinking

Branding shouldn’t be a puzzle…

As a creative, I am constantly searching for meaningful inspiration. When I came across the Clemens Habicht Color Puzzles, in which each jigsaw piece is an individual color that must be placed exactly in relation to every other color, I thought it would make a perfect collaborative challenge for the Intrinzic design team. After all, putting together the pieces of a brand is like putting together the pieces of a complex puzzle. It takes the ability to fuse science and method with creativity and innovation, with the goal of communicating and visualizing a strategic and compelling point of view. Our mission at Intrinzic everyday is...
Posted by Sarah Fry
Design Design Thinking

Staying Inspired:

As a graphic designer, my job hinges on creativity. Staying inspired can be an exhausting and daunting task. I have found that being inspired doesn’t necessarily rely on waiting for inspiration to hit, but actively searching for it…in other words, staying motivated to be inspired. When I am feeling the pressure to be inspired, I have found that I can replenish my creative juices before they run dry by incorporating three simple practices into my routine. ### 1. Never stop learning. My peers are my biggest source of motivation. This industry is constantly evolving at a rapid pace. By staying on top of what others...
Posted by Abby Otting


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