Staying Inspired:

As a graphic designer, my job hinges on creativity. Staying inspired can be an exhausting and daunting task. I have found that being inspired doesn’t necessarily rely on waiting for inspiration to hit, but actively searching for it…in other words, staying motivated to be inspired. When I am feeling the pressure to be inspired, I have found that I can replenish my creative juices before they run dry by incorporating three simple practices into my routine.

### 1. Never stop learning.

My peers are my biggest source of motivation. This industry is constantly evolving at a rapid pace. By staying on top of what others in my industry are doing pushes me to stay creative. It makes me reflect on my own work and pushes me to improve upon it.

I stay up to date on the latest trends by setting aside time weekly to look at the latest design blogs. Some blogs that help me stay motivated to stay inspired are [Smashing Magazine]( and [WinningWP](

### 2. Set goals to improve your skillset.

As a graphic designer in the beginning of my career, I found that it’s hard to define goals for myself, because at this point, I am constantly trying to improve and evolve every skill. But beyond improving upon the skills that are needed for my job, it is important to push myself and establish goals beyond the expected.

For the past year, I’ve been mainly working in the world of print. I have recently set a goal of honing my digital skills by taking a free online digital course through [codecademy]( I have made sure that my goals are reasonable (accomplishing a few online lessons weekly) and that I’ve set up plans to reward myself once I accomplish these.

### 3. Take a break!

When I feel stuck on a project, I make sure to take a break (if the timeline allows). Stepping away from the computer can help get my creative juices flowing. I find inspiration in some of the least expected places…think architecture, nature, people, books, etc.

Sometimes you work on a project so long that you don’t realize the solution is right in front of you. You just have to walk away from the computer and look for it. By setting aside time to take a walk and get away from the screen, you’ll discover inspiration in some of the least expected places.

Being inspired is not always an easy task, but if you are motivated to stay inspired, you can replenish your inspiration before it runs out. How do you stay inspired? Share your thoughts below.

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