Category: Branding

Branding Design

The Bold Fusion Experience:

As a designer, I’m constantly reminded how important it is to stay inspired, which can sometimes be much easier said than done. Sure, you can check out the local art museum or go on a hike, but for me, I’ve found the most valuable inspiration comes from simply listening. Listening to other people’s stories of the battles they’ve endured throughout their careers — triumphs and failures, struggles and victories, the pretty and the ugly. Recently, I was lucky enough to attend [Bold Fusion](, Cincinnati’s largest [young professionals summit](, where I was able to do exactly that — listen. I was excited to surround myself with...
Posted by Courtney Morgan
Branding Design Public Relations Uncategorized

Intrinzic Insightz:

At Intrinzic, we believe in keeping up with the latest industry trends and best practices. In celebration of [Book Lovers Day](, we asked the team to share their most inspiring business-minded books. Here's a list of those that rose to the top: > [The New Rules of Marketing & PR](, by David Meerman Scott - This book, now in its fifth edition, is a great primer on ways social media and PR can (and should!) be used together in any contemporary marketing campaign. The book shows how marketers can combine smart strategy with digital tactics to build their brands. It’s an easy-to-follow guide I’ve used...
Posted by Abby Otting

From Inspiration to Innovation:

We were honored to have a full house for our session during the [Cincinnati NewCo]( event at our offices. What follows is a brief recap of our presentation. Innovation continues to be a hot topic in the business world, but it is a concept that is not always executed with excellence. With apologies to anyone who drives a Pontiac Aztec, business history is littered with examples of failed attempts at “being innovative.” Consider pen maker Bic’s line of disposable underwear, beer company Coors introducing a line of bottled water and the aforementioned Aztek. There are many reasons why these products failed, but most can be...
Posted by Dave Townsend

Intrinzic Insightz:

Strong brand strategy can take a company from good to great to iconic. At Intrinzic, we love helping companies [craft their brands]( In spirit of the Fourth of July, we asked our team what companies come to mind when they think of American brands that embody the patriotic spirit. Some brands were brought up repetitively, while other responses were unique. ### Food/Beverage > “[Coca-Cola]( – it’s an iconic all-American brand.” *[Wendy Vonderhaar](/team/wendy-vonderhaar/), CEO* > “I think of [McDonald's]( Even though they are located all over the world, I think of the hamburgers, fries and shakes as so utterly American. In fact, when I travel internationally, I...
Posted by Abby Otting
Inspiration for graphic designers
Branding Uncategorized

Clever Design, Defined:

“I’ll know it when I see it” is one of a graphic designer’s least favorite phrases. This phrase epitomizes a lack of goals. Therefore, I find it unsettling to use that as my answer to the question, what, exactly, in my eyes, is clever design and where’s the best place to find inspiration. Since the [ThurZday video]( where I spoke briefly to the concept of clever graphic design, it has been weighing on me that I could not provide a clear definition. So, to clarify my definition, I went to a reliable source: designs from the first set of designers I found inspiring. I have...
Posted by Abby Otting


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