Tag: Rob Pasquinucci

Design Thinking

Beyond the Facts: How Stories Unite

Intrinzic’s Rob Pasquinucci recently sat down with Craig Atkinson, Vice President of Communications and Strategic Services at The Walsh Group and Safety Week Committee Chair, to discuss how storytelling techniques have the power to motivate audiences across an entire industry. Rob: We just wrapped up another successful Safety Week campaign. One of the elements that has been a key part of the campaign over the last few years is a push to go beyond merely telling workers to “do safe things,” but to develop narratives that rally workers to consistently WANT to make safe choices. Why did the committee choose to do this? Craig: We...
Posted by Rob Pasquinucci
Branding Public Relations

Don’t Buy This Jacket

How Patagonia Provides a Map to Brand Authenticity For those who’ve never stepped foot in an REI store or aspire to climb a rock face, Patagonia is a brand of outdoor gear that traces its roots back to the 1970s, when it started making mountain climbing gear. The company has long supported environmental activism, and created waves with a strikingly honest 2011 Black Friday ad campaign suggesting that purchasing less stuff — including Patagonia products — could benefit the environment. The ad copy goes on to spell out what resources go into making one of its bestselling jackets, including 135 liters of water and 20...
Posted by Rob Pasquinucci
Social Media

Turn and Face the Strange Ch-Ch-Changes:

A couple months ago, Facebook once again shook up the marketing world and announced it was changing its algorithm. This time, the goal is to make the social network more, well, social, through prioritizing posts from real people as opposed to brands and publishers. While any changes to the platform’s algorithm gets brands’ hands wringing, I believe these changes simply point out the social media best practices we’ve been talking about for quite some time now: build content that sparks a conversation, develop relationships with influencers, and leverage the power of paid media to boost your presence. Create content that sparks conversation Brands sometimes forget...
Posted by Rob Pasquinucci

Three PR Truths in the Era of Fake News:

The traditional media environment is feeling more chaotic than ever, and with relatively cheap and easy access to social media, it’s tempting to ignore many tried and true public relations tactics, or to forget to integrate public relations with your other marketing strategies. But doing this takes away the added punch traditional PR can bring to your marketing. Here are tips to help boost your chances for earned media opportunities and leverage the power of integration: Know the news to make the news It’s PR’s golden rule, made more urgent in today’s hyperactive news cycles—keeping a pulse on the day’s events is the key to...
Posted by Rob Pasquinucci

What would Eddie do?

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to interview Larry Tye, author of The Father of Spin – Edward L. Bernays and the Birth of Public Relations. Bernays’ work moved the profession from press agentry to a practice supported by science—the pioneering psychology research done by none other than Bernays’ uncle, Sigmund Freud. Bernays’ campaigns blended the art and science of PR brilliantly and had a tremendous influence on American life. He utilized doctors as influencers to tell Americans that a healthy breakfast should include eggs and bacon; encouraged the home construction industry to add bookcases to homes to encourage people to buy more...
Posted by Rob Pasquinucci


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