Tag: media

Public Relations

To Make the News, Know the News:

There’s an old maxim in public relations that to make the news, you need to know the news. It remains true today—and it requires you (or your PR agency) to have a reporter’s mindset when looking for earned media opportunities. Living in an era of clickbait stories makes the work of a PR professional and the clients we serve more essential as we find ways to help reporters help us by delivering fresh insights through data and unique angles that build on the day’s headlines. To do this well, we’ve got to understand the goals of the writers and content producers to whom we’re pitching....
Posted by Rob Pasquinucci
Connecting with journalists

Connecting with Journalists:

How can you be successful with media relations these days? It seems it’s getting harder and harder to get the attention of media contacts and build productive media relationships. Journalists are inundated with email – and email is so 2000 and late anyway. Before we talk about some new ways of thinking about media relations, let’s remember some of the tried-and-true tips of [effective media relations](http://www.adweek.com/prnewser/the-pr-pros-guide-to-effective-media-relations/118050). The foundational tenets still apply: Know your subject matter, do your research and make sure your story idea is soundly newsworthy and fits with the journalist’s subject matter. You have to be willing to give as much if not...
Posted by Abby Otting
Social media for businesses

Social Media for Businesses:

Social media has taken over our every day interactions. Now, more than ever, businesses are fully aware they must be present on the social channels most relevant to their clientele. When it comes to social media management, questions often arise…“Do I have to be on every social network? How do I engage my audience? How can I get the most bang for my buck (and my highly valued time)?” If you’re trying to [sort your way through the clouds of conversation](http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/expert-tips-shareable-content) to social media success, it may be time to seek help. If one of the following thoughts has crossed your mind, it’s time to...
Posted by Abby Otting


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