Author: Wendy Vonderhaar


Giving Thanks by Giving Back

Thanksgiving is emerging as my favorite holiday. Nestled between the over-commercialized Halloween and Christmas, it tends to fly under the radar, and what’s not to like? Friends, family, food – and yes – more food! There’s no pressure to come up with a clever costume or the perfect gift. It’s a holiday that requires very little. Fix a meal to share with family and friends, sit back and enjoy – and, of course, be thankful.   A few years ago, my mother started a new tradition where we all – kids and grandkids included – write down what we are thankful for that particular year....
Posted by Wendy Vonderhaar

What is a Brand Collaborative?

It’s been nearly 20 years since I started Intrinzic and embarked on the exciting journey of managing a brand and marketing firm. During that time, we have worked with many clients on a variety of marketing challenges and have probably rebranded more than 100 companies. You could say we’ve had some time to perfect our craft and master what works the best along the way. In all those years, the end game hasn’t changed: develop a brand that captures the spirit and essence of an organization and find alignment between a company’s culture and their customer’s needs and aspirations. What has changed is how we...
Posted by Wendy Vonderhaar

The Undeniable Magnetism of Brand Culture:

Customers today are skeptics. Who can blame us? In the last ten years, we’ve lived through the largest economic downturn since the Great Depression. People feel they’ve been burned by our financial and government institutions. For brands, the Great Recession was the final nail in the coffin of smoke and mirrors marketing. Nearly 10 years later, I think marketing has changed for the better. The internet of things has brought people access to unprecedented information, giving us more power in the choices we make about what to buy. Now, the most successful brands are those that are deeply in touch with who they are and...
Posted by Wendy Vonderhaar
Entrepreneurs who spark creativity

Finding inspiration in others:

Being in the creative business, inspiration is at the heart of everything we do. As an agency, we are always looking for examples to spark our work on behalf of our clients. Not only do we look for inspiration for our creative deliverables, but also how we, as leaders of the agency, run the business. There are several entrepreneurs that inspire me. Here a few that rise to the top: **1. Ray Attiyah.** Local entrepreneur and owner of a suite of businesses, most notably his first business – [Definity Partners]( and his book [Run Improve Grow](, Ray has more passion and energy for his businesses...
Posted by Wendy Vonderhaar


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