Z Blog

The foundation of building a brand starts with taking a new perspective. The world is constantly evolving, and with it, so are our thoughts and ideas. Our people share insights on various topics within the industry in hopes of discovering common bonds and sparking conversations.

Effort and Value:

We’ve recently begun exploring a new project management system. Thinking about how that tool works as well as how it tracks time (and effort) led me to explore my own thoughts on [effort and value](http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2008/10/is-effort-a-myt.html). Too often, we fall into “The Effort Trap” - the cultural bias that the harder you work at something, the more valuable it is. [This post from 99U](http://99u.com/articles/51908/nobody-cares-how-hard-you-work) includes the example of a locksmith who found the faster he worked, the less satisfied his customers became. As the author states, the bias may be rooted in the Protestant work ethic in our culture. Indeed, many of the project management tools...
Posted by Abby Otting
Creating Meaningful Messages

Creating meaningful messages:

This year, our goal was to celebrate the holiday season in a way that felt genuine and uniquely Intrinzic. In looking back on our past year as a company, we took note of the major milestones we accomplished together. Along the way, we have become a strong team and have formed some pretty amazing bonds, not only with ourselves, but also with our clients and vendors – all working together to create and deliver on quality marketing and design initiatives. Based on this reflection, we were able to develop a clear direction. This holiday season at Intrinzic, we are taking time to focus on “connecting...
Posted by Abby Otting

Reflecting and connecting:

Despite the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, our team has decided to set aside time to focus on connecting and reflecting. Over the last few weeks, I have been doing just that – connecting with team members and clients and reflecting on the successes and challenges of the past year. While reflecting, I wondered how good of job we did as an agency of connecting with our clients, partners and each other. In our world of digital communication, the *what have you done for me lately* attitude and never-ending drive to reduce costs and increase productivity, I wondered, “Is there room for connecting?...
Posted by Abby Otting

Savvy marketing:

In the rush to stay ahead of changing technology, [the latest marketing trends](http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/7-game-changing-marketing-trends-to-tackle-in-2016) and evolving consumer needs, I often see marketers scrambling to be relevant and make a difference for their businesses. Most of those marketers are stretched really thin and have very little time to do strategic planning and proper measurement before the next big marketing or communications challenge comes along. Regardless of how much time a marketer may or may not have, I’ve seen one foolproof way to ensure that the choices he or she makes are as strategic as possible. By asking this one question before executing any tactic, you can be...
Posted by Abby Otting

The people-centered organization:

Why are we here? Why do we get up every morning and go to work? Clearly, there is no simple answer to this question. There are probably hundreds or thousands of reasons – as many as there are people going to work. Yet, I dare to venture that there is one commonality that might help to sum it up all the [various drivers for work](http://www.trulyhumanleadership.com/?p=2562) - the idea of “the pursuit of the best life we can live.” We know that everyone has a common core driver for why they go to work, so it should be simple to tap into this emotive motivation to...
Posted by Dave Townsend

Seasonal Connections:

After spending a wonderful Thanksgiving with loved ones, I am both excited and discouraged for the most wonderful time of the year to be upon us…Why? Because most of my time spent with family, looked a bit [like this](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/07/09/death-of-conversation_n_7763936.html). Now, it is funny to look at these images and think how ridiculous it is, but it brought to my attention, my own use of my cell phone and how it affects the connections I make (or miss) on a daily basis. While technology is an incredible tool and something that allows us to connect with people in ways we never dreamed imaginable, it has also...
Posted by Abby Otting

Educational Resources:

If “knowledge is power” and “the best things in life are free,” then what happens when you can get free knowledge? That’s right…infinite power. Seriously though, with school tuition on the rise, there’s never been a better time to utilize free educational resources. I’m constantly blown away by the amount of people publishing free tutorials and sharing their knowledge. Today, I’m sharing my go-to platforms for online learning. ### YOUTUBE Although it’s easy to get sucked into a black hole here, there are a ton of great channels to learn from on this platform, and all of them are available for free. When wanting to...
Posted by Abby Otting

Mentoring Relationships:

Most people can agree that having a good mentor can have a tremendous impact on your career. Mentors provide support and encouragement that often can’t be found from coworkers or friends. Finding an [effective mentor](http://www.inc.com/jayson-demers/7-key-qualities-of-an-effective-mentor.html) and maximizing that relationship can be the key to your success. ### BE OPEN TO ALL AGES. Conventional wisdom would have us believe that your mentor should be significantly older than you. My mentor is only two years older than me and her experiences have tracked very closely to my own – which is part of what makes her insights so relevant to me. Now that I’m more established in...
Posted by Abby Otting

Thanksgiving Reflection:

As we approach Thanksgiving and count our blessings, it’s a great time to not only reflect on our personal lives, but also on our professions. As I reflect on my own career, I realize the agency setting is so different than the atmosphere at my previous job with a corporation and I’m so thankful for the perks that accompany it. I think most employees will agree the reasons they enjoy agency life the most are: ### THE VARIETY OF WORK In one day, you can wear many different hats, becoming knowledgeable in a variety of industries, some of which you never imagined. For example, I’ve...
Posted by Abby Otting

A look at branding:

Terrible winds from ceaseless storms or crawling through deserts with flaming sand – [Dante’s Inferno](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferno_(Dante)) describes a hell no one would ever willfully visit. Does the ancient allegory on sin and redemption also illustrate what can happen to a brand in need of salvation? I spent some time looking at the poem many of us read in high school and found comparisons to the struggles many brands we work with find themselves in. I’ve broken Dante’s nine circles down below and made my own comparisons to “hell” some brands can find themselves in: ###1. Limbo Limbo is a deficient form of heaven. For brands, this...
Posted by Abby Otting


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