Thank You for 20 Years!
Earlier this year, the Intrinzic team celebrated our 20th anniversary. This 20-year journey has been a thrilling rollercoaster ride with many ups and downs and several unexpected turns along the way. I quickly learned that you don’t survive, and thrive, without a LOT of help. Thank goodness I’ve had it in spades. As I count my blessings this holiday season, I want to thank the many people that have contributed to our success over the years.
First and foremost, thank you to the many people that have been part of the Intrinzic team. Some had short tenures, others have been with us for many years. So much talent, drive and personality, I am fortunate that they chose Intrinzic for part of their journey. Thank you to the current Intrinzic team. You each inspire me to be better and I am continually impressed with the creativity, commitment and intelligence you apply to our clients’ marketing challenges each day. Thank you to my business partner for your passion and commitment to this business – everything is easier when you are not going it alone. Thank you.
Thank you to the many clients over the years. Some took a chance on a small company with big dreams, others crossed our path once we were established and helped us stretch into new markets and services. All left an enduring mark on the company and contributed to our success and many continue to do so. We value each and every one of you. Thank you.
Thank you to the many partners we have collaborated with over the years. A few key partners showed me the ropes in the early days and I literally would not have survived without them. Others played a considerable role in fueling our growth and evolution and still do today. We simply could not do what we do without you. Thank you.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, thanks to those that have supported me behind the scenes – my family. Your constant love, support and unwavering faith in me is my foundation and has provided me the confidence and perseverance needed to pursue my dream that started when I was a college student so many years ago. Thank you.
I consider myself a lifelong student and I have learned something from every person I have collaborated with over the past 20 years and am better for it. I did not name names as there are simply too many, but I believe you all know you who are. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
-Wendy Vonderhaar, CEO