Hundred Percent

Hundred Percent specializes in the extraction and processing of medical marijuana to create pure, potent, high-integrity products for the cannabis connoisseur. The consumer landscape is rapidly changing within the cannabis space as the demand for higher quality products continues to grow in both medical and recreational markets. And the time, expertise, and focus required to deliver consistent quality is what Hundred Percent puts into every product they make for patients throughout Ohio.

While their products embody the quality and consistency they’re known for, they didn’t have an existing brand or story to drive the packaging strategy. Through extensive research, we gained a deep understanding of what these highly-experienced patients need, want and value as cannabis consumers, and applied those insights to tell the story of the company’s mission and vision through the packaging. Our strategy focused on elevating their position as high-end, craft cannabis and creating clear separation from corporate cannabis brands, visually and verbally on pack. We also had to consider product architecture and ensure all elements work together as one cohesive system.

The packaging brought to life a story that blended science, technique, and precision to communicate high-end craft cannabis, quality, and sophistication. Iconography, holographic finishes and techie details showcased the expertise and attention to detail that goes into every product.