The Golden Boy. Tommy Touchdown. Tom Terrific. These nicknames for New England Patriots superstar quarterback Tom Brady are being substituted with Shady Brady.
In fact, recent NBC poll suggests that his image has taken a temporary hit with 34 percent of the public having an unfavorable opinion of him, compared with only 23 percent before the scandal. (However, this poll was taken in August before the NFL reversed his four-game suspension.)
Here’s where Tom’s personal brand stands now:
+ His unlikely start in the league as the 199th pick in the draft is the stuff of legends.
+ He’s kept his nose clean throughout his career. No drugs, arrests, etc. (This is a big achievement for a professional athlete in the NFL!)
+ He can throw a pass with laser precision.
+ He’s a known family man, married to a Victoria’s Secret supermodel (though his treatment of former girlfriend Bridget Moynahan was not stellar, the two seem to get along well and co-parent their son).
+ He’s rarely fooled by even the best NFL defenses.
+ Most football pundits don’t like the idea that he may have cheated, but don’t believe that Deflategate affected the actual outcome of the game in question.
+ He supports charities like the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Best Buddies International.
+ Have I mentioned how handsome he is? Have you seen that smile?
+ Under Armour recently released this gripping “Rule Yourself” commercial, clearly not fazed by any issues about Tom’s image in connection with their brand.
+ The man is an Uggs spokesperson. Uggs! He made an Uggs commercial with his mom. Who doesn’t love moms? And who doesn’t love Uggs?
+ A recent in-depth ESPN expose chronicles systemic cheating from the Patriots organization, but doesn’t really point to Tom specifically. After all, they have such a handy villain in Bill Belichick.
+ He plays for a Boston team. Bostonians LOVE their sports heroes. No matter what.
So…has Tom Brady’s personal brand suffered as a result of Deflategate? This super fan says, “no.”
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