Watch our ThurZday video to meet the left-hander in our bullpen – Jenn Riegert. See how being a southpaw gives her a unique view of her work – and lots of smudges on her hand!
With a background in marketing communications planning, media relations, social media and project management, Jennifer applies both a strategic and creative approach to her work. She believes that being left-handed in a world built for right-handed people helps her to be flexible and use both sides of her brain simultaneously.
As a communicator, Jennifer asserts that helping clients understand people, and what makes your business valuable to them, is the most important thing she can do. The marketing tool kit will always evolve, but applying a basic understanding of human nature and how people make decisions, can really set a business apart.
In her work at Intrinzic, Jennifer is responsible for the relationship development, process direction, strategic guidance and leadership of several agency accounts. Before joining the Intrinzic team, she worked at various Cincinnati-based agencies, including Wordsworth Communications, where she earned three Cincinnati PRSA Blacksmith Awards for social media planning. She currently is a part-time instructor at Miami University and serves on the marketing committee for Girls on the Run Cincinnati.