
SageSure, a homeowners insurance company, contacted Intrinzic with an interest in expanding on a previous producer-focused campaign. This new brand awareness campaign would dive deeper into who they are as an organization: bringing key company values to life while sharing more about their people and their collective passion and dedication to their company mission.
The insurance industry is facing its greatest challenges. Climate change is taking its toll on all areas of our country, making markets more volatile. As a result, many insurance companies are closing up and pulling out of high-risk states, making it increasingly difficult for producers to provide consistent and reliable coverage for their policyholders.

SageSure is different: they are experts in addressing and overcoming these challenges, constantly looking for ways to provide coverage in locations where others can’t or won’t. SageSure doesn’t just accept business in challenging markets, they built their entire business to serve them by pioneering innovative solutions and risk-analysis technologies. Their team needed a way to raise awareness while effectively communicating the better options they provide for these high-risk communities.

Through extensive interviews across every department at SageSure, the Intrinzic team got a first-hand look at the passion, commitment, and responsibility the entire team feels for the work they do and the producers and policyholders they serve.

Inspired by the unwavering courage and dedication of a military special ops team, the Intrinzic team knew we had to capture the depth of SageSure’s commitment and unique points of difference with a persuasive and effective value proposition. This piece would set the tone and the strategy for all the campaign elements that would follow, including: the development of a campaign theme, a visual toolbox, a detailed messaging and channel strategy, video storyboarding, direction and production as well as digital ads, landing pages, email blasts and social posts.
The resulting brand awareness campaign brought SageSure’s dedication through innovation into the spotlight. By starting with a strong foundation in the form of a robust and compelling value proposition, our team built a more strategic and authentic campaign that captured SageSure’s purpose and points of difference and brought their mission to the forefront of their messaging. We didn’t have to craft a story for them, we just needed to give them a platform to tell theirs in the most effective way.