How to make your content work harder:

Like dandelions popping up on lawns in the spring, we’re seeing more and more brands – both B2B and B2C – producing more (and more) content. [Recent studies]( confirm this, but it leads to a question – does more content equal more action? By “action,” I mean brand engagement, interest and, ultimately sales.

The simple answer is no – lazy content that isn’t compelling won’t lead to action. This means you need make sure what you produce stands out and truly represents your brand. Here are three ways to develop compelling content in your organization:

#### 1. Go behind the scenes.
I remember visiting the testing lab for a large manufacturer of commercial foodservice equipment client several years ago. After looking at the battery of battering they put their products through, it’s no surprise they lead the industry. Do you have similar things you do to test your products? Any interesting manufacturing procedures you can share (without compromising your competitive advantages)? Take a look at a great example from [General Electric]( The company is proud to show the world the advanced technology it uses in its factories to gather data and optimize the manufacturing process.

#### 2. Have fun.
Cloud computing and zombie attacks? Why not? Sunguard did it with an [amusing infographic]( Closer to home, the Southwest Ohio Air Quality Agency found a better way to post pollen and mold counts on social media, including posting a pic of a stack of [pancakes drizzled with maple syrup]( to indicate the high pollen count coming from maple trees. Are there ways you can make relatively routine content more interesting?

#### 3. Make it a game.
Games and quizzes are often used in B2C marketing, and can be a great way to build consumer interaction with a brand that can be amplified on social media. This [clever campaign from Delta Airlines]( is a great example. The company hid the brand’s iconic flight attendants (the ones with the red jackets) around New York City, posting geo coordinates and photo clues, inviting players to find them (sharing their progress on social media) for a chance to win a free flight. At end of the campaign, Delta had reached over 70 million people via Twitter and had over 180,000 direct interactions from this contest.

Savvy B2B marketers are in the game also; figuring out ways to use these tactics can make their contact more interactive. World Pay’s anti-fraud game is one example.

One final note – keep in mind that whatever you come up with should be true to your brand. It isn’t appropriate for some brands to be lighthearted and funny. I’d love to hear other ideas from on how you’ve broken the mold and created interesting content. Share your thoughts in the comments section below!