American Modern is one of the largest and most respected specialty insurance companies in the country. However, they believed that their brand felt out of sync with the vibrant and passionate culture of the great organization they had built.
American Modern came to Intrinzic to help create a unifying brand story and a image that would both capture and inspire their internal audiences as much as their agents and customers. It takes a special kind of company to open themselves up the way they did, and allow us to discover what really made this company – from top to bottom – work.
American Modern, like so many of our clients, had created an amazing culture, and they knew in their hearts that this culture and the unique passion of their people was the true point of difference in the marketplace. The company’s support of its agent partners – everyday heroes in the eyes of American Modern customers – became the focal point for the brand’s revitalization.

The resulting brand reflected, in design, image, words and pictures, everything the company was and worked tirelessly to be. And after an inspiring and emotional company-wide rollout and employee celebration, the people and the marketplace took notice.